ITALIANS: We Should ALL Speak Out There!

Megaphone_modified pic from Pxhere

Have you noticed? Italians speak Italian, average doesn't speak English or speak other languages, but Italians professionals and culture are appreciated and searched for in each field.

Do we Italian adoptees get to be invited all over the world to present our work and research? No.
Do you want to know why? I don't think it's just because of language! I believe it about presence & awareness... We are missing a net! Other communities don't know what we are doing; we need to be out there - TO SHOW WHAT WE ARE DOING!!!!...
We should ALL present our work and speak out there! We can do more than interview we can be interviewed; worldwide, people are curious about Italy and want to know about Italian adoptees. 

Let's spread our work&word worldwide!

Arp / Speaks AtCLoud - Alessia Petrolito 


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