Angela Tucker's Adoptee Manifesto comes to Italy - Il manifesto di un*adottiv*

When we shared this awesome postit was November. At last, the time has come: The Italian Manifesto for all Italian Adoptees is here!

In 2020 Angela Tucker, the leading Adoptee Voice in the USA launched her Adoptee Manifesto. 

During the year I've reached out and asked for her collaboration to realize the first AdoptCloud Project: a translated version of the #adopteemanifesto in Italian.

Il manifesto di un* adottiv*
Ph. credit: Angela Tucker,
Design: Alissa Edel

(Translation in Italian by Alessia Petrolito)

Open and agender, the manifests reunite adoptee's legitimate rights and desires at once. Beyond grouping, this is about building inner peace and a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves.

As adoptees, we can gain a voice and a community. Angela's work does it for the USA, and I hope that this will help more & more Italian adoptees to gain awareness - we are not just a story, our story, but we are who we are!

I'm deeply grateful to Angela for her mind and patience.

The Italian manifest is available for purchase thanks to  Manuel Antonio BragonziPresident of ANFAD - Associazione Nazionale Figli Adottivi and producer of LoveAdoption Tvanother valuable member of the Cloud. I'm thankful to Manuel for believing in the project and following me in this adventure!

To order and purchase the Italian version of the Adoptee Manifesto, please see here/or/here.

For Angela Tucker's original Adoptee Manifesto, please see her shop.

© AdoptCloud, 2021. Creative Commons 
(Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License)

Arp / Speaks AtCLoud - Alessia Petrolito


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