The Adoption Cloud - Project

The Adoption Cloud, the realm for Italian adoptees' communities to interact across borders and networks. 

We are Cultural Disseminators, Activists and Service Providers.

Below you'll find listed Italian projects by featured Associations and Leaders as well as the International Partners of The Adoption Cloud - Project.

For general inquiries and mediation:


 Italian Partners

  • THERAPY & COUNSELING / Professionals

Dr.ssa Margarita S. Assettati – Certified Psychologist-Psychotherapist; Certified EMDR Therapist, Former HonoraryJudge Court of Appeal Juvenal Section /

Dr.ssa Laura Pensini – Certified Clinical Psychologist specialised in Development Psychology  /
Head of Centro Prisma Luce



Aroti S. Bertelli / Blogger and Live-streamer
Topics: Indian Identity & Culture - Race & Discrimination
Projects: #Gravidansia#Qualeiltuoverso; (book) Ritorno alle origini

Espérance H. Ripanti / Radio host, Writer and Cultural activist
Topics: Black Identity & Culture - Race & Discrimination
Projects: #unavitadistendhalBookcrossing(books) E poi basta e Future

Arnold / TikToker
Topics: Adoptees & Adolescence
Project: @4rnol4 - Family Live Stream Sketches

(more names coming up)



AdoptiON AIR

Topic: Post-Adoption Live Series
contact: Kim Soo-bok Cimaschi e Laura Pensini

Love AdoptionTV

Topic:  Adoption Life at 360° WebTv
contact: Manuel Antonio Bragonzi

ANFAD - Associazione Nazionale Figli Adottivi

 Topic: Community & Post-Adoption Mutual Aid
contact: Francina Foresti


  • IDENTITY SEARCH, ADVOCACY & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES/ Associations & Volunteers organizations
    * According to the current Italian legislation (Law n. 184/1983 and 149/2001), 
    persons, not recognised at birth, are prohibited from accessing their birth records and from tracing their origins.

Associazione Italiadoption 

Topic: Search for Identity & DNA Testing
contact: John Pierre Battersby Campitelli

Comitato diritto origini biologiche - ODV

 Topics: Advocacy - Identity Reclaim and Law Amendment Proposal*
contacts: Emilia Rosati e Anna Arecchia

Chilenos de Sardigna ETS - ODV

Topic:  Search for Identity and Cultural Activities
contact: Giorgio Zucca e Claudio Puddu

Cileni Adottivi Italiani - ODV

Topic:  Italian Chilean Adoptees Hub - Reference Exchange & Sharing
contact: Margarita S. Assetati

FAeGN - Figli Adottivi e Genitori Naturali

Topics: Search for Identity and Law Amendment Proposal*
contactLuisa Di Fiore and Monica Rossi

Hands for Adoptions

Topics:  Advocacy for Counselling and Law Amendment Proposal*
contact: Paolo La Francesca


  • ARTS & VISUAL CULTURE / Entrepreneurs & Projects
for #NAAM2020 - @arpadopticInstaGallery


  • ADOPTEE GROUPS / by origins

---in progress---

International Partners


AngelaTucker (USA)

The Adopted Life / Blog - Episodes


Adoption Mosaic (USA)

Website - Resources
contact: Astrid Castro


InterCountry Adoptees Voices (ICAV) (Australia)

Website - Network and resources
contact: Lynelle Long


Harlow's Monkey (USA)

Blog - Publications and resources
contact: JaeRan Kim

(more names coming up)


Do you know about the amazing project Ethical Storytelling?

Ethical Storytelling is a community of nonprofit and practitioners & storytellers learning how to integrate a new standard of storytelling.

 To know more about the project, visit the websitelearn how to tell stories with an ethic.
As adoptees, we can benefit from this approach, spread the word
(available in Ita and Eng)


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